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(Hi im DEADMAN68687 but you can call me Absurdity idk i'm a ENFP(mbti) neutral good(dnd alignment) aroace story writer and character/oc maker who likes undertale/deltarune.This is my pronouns page I also have a eating disorder called pica my main oc is Tyler I am Neutral good(dnd alignment) I am the leader of KOPE(Ketchup On Pizza Eaters) comment if you want me to include your name in here for members but the members are :@Shadow the Hedgehog midnight&mar also anything in parenthesis is not roleplay also Hi I'm tyler I am the man in the gray trenchcoat Im Tyler but better H-h-h-hey there I'm boombox bobby)

Im tyler

this is my stats(based off chara stats Mathematica)

ATK: 400's
DEF: 300's
HP: 600 (lv1)
Weapon: Spiked Glove (ATK 85 )
Armour: Fuzzy Hoodie(DEF 85 )
Trinket: Platinum Ring (+100 health and defense)
Unique abilities:
Rapid attack: can hit 5 extra times(normally attacks 5 times) but each extra hit does 25% less damage.
Rage Damage: attack increases by 25% for every 100 damage taken.

Here is how I attack(thanks to @weezertatodev)

[*<thing that's being attacked>]
[*-6000 HP!]
[*"Take that"]

( my friends are @Inksilver the Lizard Person who is cool and I love their comments and they seem chill we also both love BATIM)

(And @PICKELZ a person who I also love their comments also a fellow Gamer and They make games while i only make the story for games also he likes pickles and i like them too and I'm also surprised that I have friends on this site. @womp womp is a nice person who likes to sprite and draw(they gave me tips) and unlike the other people on this site Andy i actually know and is friends with in real life.)

(@Dudeman has a similar name to me and they are funny kinda odd though #AroaceBromance #UpWithBromanceDownWithRomance)

(@Shadow the Hedgehog they are edgy and hedgy)

(I have a sweet tooth I love videogames especially fps and horror game and horror game that you can shoot in i also love eating meat especially bacon and ham I also enjoy foreign cuisine and trying new things I also eat a lot by a lot half of a pizza is a normal Dinner for me.Sometimes even a whole one)

OC LIST(will add more if I feel like it)

(Name: Tyler Chann Forest
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Aroace
Weight:145 pounds
Voice: Unenergetic and midrange pitch, also extremely annoyed, and
Weapons of choice: Fists, pistols, swords, and magic
Speed: fast
Jump height: high
Ennegram:8w7 SP
Appearance: Tyler is a human with light skin, black hair that is messy, blue eyes, and sharp teeth. He is 5'10 and often wears a black, puffy hoodie. Tyler has sharp teeth that are normally covered by a black bandanna that he wears and retractable claws, and his eyes turn orange when he is using his magic. He has a ring that belonged to his father, which is made of platinum with a blue sapphire gem.
Personality: He is brave and protective of his friends. Tyler is also surprisingly intelligent. However, he is cynical and suspicious of others, and he tends to keep his guard up around new people. Tyler has a taste for spicy food, dubstep music, and horror/thriller movies. He enjoys coffee and is a messy eater, often getting food on his chin and lips. He is also irritable and sloppy sometimes.
Powers: He can create orbs that shoot lasers, He can also shoot homing projectiles and create armor. Tyler has the power of fragokenisis, which allows him to shoot explosive projectiles. He also has fire powers, limited fire/heat resistance, and the ability to speak wolf. He can also tolerate hot temperatures.)

ok heres the second one

(Tarvo, a genetically genderless being who identifies as male, possesses a laid-back and mysterious demeanor, coupled with intelligence, strategic thinking, and a quick temper that fuels his power. He has prideful nature, combined with unwavering loyalty and charisma. His abilities include energy manipulation, levitation, shapeshifting, multilingualism(Spanish english Estonian), flight, portal creation, limited reality manipulation, and longevity. He is vulnerable to the body he is using as a host because he is energy that uses a humans skeleton as a host he was also made by the god tom. Tarvo's attire consists of an electric green hoodie and charcoal pants. His personality types are Enneagram 8w9 (The Bear) and MBTI INTJ (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging).)

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