ah, it appears that i have been unshackled from the stressful and hellish challenge that was the prelims, and it seems that after all that time with something that might as well have been an emulation of hell, i can finally rest, relax even, as i put this behind me... but then the exams arrive 2 seconds later and kick my ass
This bio is under construction! Many things are subject to change, and feedback would be appreciated!
welcome to my bio!
i decided to completely revamp my bio because i felt like i was limiting myself with my old bio.
if you do want to see my old bio again for whatever reason,
@UndarMester has been repurposed to archive my old bio. don't worry, this bio will contain all the (important) info the old bio contains there!
oh, and just before we jump in, all images provided have alt text, so if you cannot see an image, hover over the image to see what it's supposed to be or say!
i feel like before we begin, we should get some things out there for the sake of warning you when you interact with me.
first off, i'm in the autism spectrum. i might act all goofy and stuff.
i also tend to swear a lot. like, a whole fucking lot. if you don't want me to, i'm fine with that, but if you allow me to, i'll probably swear quite a bit, especially when i'm mad.
along with that, if i ever act rude in any way, i'm absolutely not trying to be rude intentionally unless i say it outright that i'm trying to be rude here.
plus, i might not get a joke right away, or understand the fact that it was, in fact, a joke, so if needed, please use tone indicators, because i'm dumb and stupid.
also, i'm dumb and stupid.
did i mention that i'm dumb and stupid?
oh, let's not forget the fact that i'm dumb and stupid!
and last but not least, i might have a hyperfixation every once in a while that i might yap about.
now that you know that, we can get onto the bio!
my irl nickname is Kris, and no, it's not because of Deltarune, it's just a shorter version of my actual name, and i'm not gonna be revealing my full name. not like you could spell it anyways, lol.
my most common internet alias is DehydratedWater! no i don't know why i'm saying this
the origins behind my username HERE is based on
@Gnatt!'s old main,
@SMG1. it was originally just an impersonation account and i thought it would've been funny. but then i started it using more often than my actual main, and uh... yeah, this is me now!
originally i was following the script a bit more, especially with this bio, but i kind of want it to be more of my own thing, and that's why this bio is here in the first place!
also i'm 15 that's probably important
i am a fan of Undertale, Deltarune, UTY, OMORI, Pizza Tower, (specifically) FNAF World, KinitoPET, Buckshot Roulette, A Dance of Fire and Ice, Rhythm Doctor, ULTRAKILL, WEBFISHING, fast-paced platformers, level editors, one-key rhythm games, YuB, Shayy, Everything Wrong Withs, Matt Rose, Saltydkdan, Bismuth, Yahiamice, minaxa, M80Marc, KyoshiCadre, KingSammelot, Spazmatic Banana, Citrus Dubs, heyimZach, Schaffrillas, It'sC4veden, High Boi, GD Colon, Emkay, HFJONE, chiptune music, electronic music, piano music, composition, Beepbox along with its mods, Cirawakalong's music, and tierlists.
i am
kind of a fan of Baldi's Basics, Sonic, Mario, Will You Snail?, Bloons, Friday Night Funkin', Failboat, Markiplier, CiblesGD, Maximum, DougDoug, and redhotsonic.
i am
not a fan of puzzle games, too much downtime, shooter games (all but one {or two} lmao), and rage games.
i might've missed a few things, do let me know if i do know anything that should be here!
now, i like music a lot. how about we list my top 20 (specifically) favourites?
Enemy Retreating (from
UTY) - of course it's gonna be here. it was a bit difficult to put it down this low, though... it's not bad, it's just the rest of these songs are so much more of a banger.
Fatality (originally from the FNF mod
Vs. Sonic.exe, apparently in its own mod, song by
Saster) - probably one of my favourite FNF songs, both in charting and song! it's short, but also snappy!
World's End Valentine (from
OMORI) - to all OMORI fans, this should be obvious. just listen to the song, i ain't gonna explain this one.
Guns Blazing (from
UTY) - Axis thinks the song is too distracting, but i love it either way.
the kitty city! (remix of "
meowtropolis", originally by
vivivivivi, remix by
cirawakalong) - probably one of my favourite songs from cirawakalong, even if it is just a remix!
It Go (by
answearingmachine, revised version used in
A Dance of Fire and Ice) - if you know DehydratedWater lore, you know i've listened to It Go so many times that i'm just basically forced to love it. not that that's a bad thing though!
Starless Supernova (from
ALLIUM ASYLUM) - one of many excellent soundtracks from ALLIUM ASYLUM! go check the OST, it'll be worth a listen!
A GAME THEORY (epic remix of "
Aduckted) - this tribute to MatPat is just so well-made with so many little references, that there's no way a Game Theory fan can't at least appreciate the song here!
You Cannot Go Back (from
OMORI) - the main reason this song's so high up is because of
that one part
Jazzy Juice (by
KingSammelot) - probably my favourite song with lyrics, just above YuB's "I am Not Me"! it's so catchy and-- agh- UAUGUGHUHGUAHUGHGAUH
10. Shploink Overdose (by
KingSammelot) - okay this one is just a fucking bop and you can NOT deny that.
9. CIWSDASE (from FNF: VS. CAMELLIA BONUS) - this song absolutely needed vocals, because without them it feels kinda empty. thankfully, BF fits the bill for this song perfectly, and makes the song some of the best!
8. Silly Billy (from the FNF mod
Hit Single Real) - don't act surprised. by the way, my favourite part is from 3:21, becoming PEAK sb at 3:32 up to 3:43.
AZALI) - i-- i don't even know. i just like the song. listen. piano and accordian and violin go brrrrrrr.
6. No Facade (from
ALLIUM ASYLUM) - i like when guitar go brr. okay but seriously, i love the guitars in this song!
5. Plok! Boss (OVERDRIVE MIX) (originally from
Plok!, remixed by
Miketama) - think of music from Plok!. okay, now combine that with DOOM Eternal, and this is basically what you get. in the best way possible. oh my fucking god, the drop that reveals the true song fucking sends shivers down my spine every time, it is just THAT good.
4. Queen Battle Original (
unused from Deltarune) - i get where Toby Fox is coming from, but he literally decided to make the biggest fucking bop and basically said "nah this is too good" lmao
3. Hopes and Dreams (from
Undertale) - if you need me to explain why Hopes and Dreams is good, you might need to see a doctor.
2. Power of SPAMTON (
unused from Deltarune) - i fucking loved POWER OF NEO, and i was always so sad that it was cut so short. so having an OFFICIAL EXTENSION of this BANGER just makes me so happy!
1. Altars of Apostasy (from ULTRAKILL) - okay. i'mma be honest. in my opinion, as of now, this is probably objectively the best song i've ever heard in my life. i literally can't think of a way to improve it. it's just so epic, satisfying, climatic, and just about everything you would want from the ULTRAKILL OST.
this. is. peak. ULTRAKILL. change my fucking mind, i dare you.
Honourable mentions (not gonna provide links but they're all in my
HALL OF FAME playlist anyways):
Emotional Funk (specifically the original) by PGHLFilms - this song was originally in the list, for being both chill and a bop at the same time. but after remembering that he sent gore to someone, and also Plok! Boss (OVERDRIVE MIX) just absolutely destroying 3 quarters of the competition, i knew i had to knock it off the list. (by the way, the second part of the reason was more of the reason than the first part. i know, "separate art from the artist". i still like the song, but the controversy certainly didn't help along with the OVERDRIVE MIX of Plok!'s boss theme barging into the list.)
Win the Race by iteachvader - an instant classic. it's really catchy and memorable, but the reason the song isn't on the list because of how much its quality contrasts with the rest. it's good, but not THAT good.
2006 storm alert from the fucking Weather Channel??? by who the fuck knows - i... yeah. i'm not kidding. whoever composed this went the fuck off with the alert and makes it feel like an actual threat is arriving. why is this not on the list? well, it doesn't exactly fit my taste of music, while still being good to my ears. it's more akin to Kingdom Hearts than, say, ALLIUM ASYLUM. also i used Kingdom Hearts as an example because there's literally a quiz on whether the music is from the Weather Channel or from Kingdom Hearts. i am not kidding.
now there's a bunch of in-betweens here that i kept out, so keep that in mind! (i sure do hope all of these urls work because i've worked on this section for 2 fucking hours)
and for more info on me in general,
click over here!
Scratch - basically where all my music goes! i make music on a mod of Beepbox, if you wanna see my music, then head over here since my SoundCloud is outdated as fuck!
Steam - i do, in fact, have Steam! i have over 40 paid games as of writing this bio down. if you want, my friend code is 1283176695.
Bluesky - yup, i have Bluesky. i do have Twitter too, but i'm never there posting there, especially now as the place becomes more and more of a shithole.
my Demirramon's Hideout main - you're right here dingus
my old Demi's Hideout main - i still use it sometimes, either for a bit or just completely out of nowhere out of the blue
wanna see
most of my links? well,
here you go!
now, what is ELUDARNET, and in what ways do i contribute to it?
ELUDARNET is what i like to call an
Alternate Multiverse, where the majority of roleplays in Demi's Hideout take place. yes, that does mean every Janna thread is canon in ELUDARNET /hj
anyways, in this multiverse, Undertale and Deltarune (and maybe UTY???) are combined into one world, and a bunch of OCs are basically thrown into the mix, most with no origin, or a lack of one.
also if you look back at older comments and see some stuff about "clustiverses", ignore all that. that was the old idea of ELUDARNET and it didn't really make any sense and it started a whole argument which caused us to change the definition of ELUDARNET itself lol.
i am
co-manager and
co-producer of ELUDARNET, while
@Gnatt! is the other way around, being
co-producer and
so who's the manager and producer of ELUDARNET, you may ask?
no one, we didn't decide lmao
yeah... i think that's pretty much it for that.
this section of the bio is just to describe the characters i may use and their respective colour. yes, i'm copying
@weezertatodev and many others now, because why not
UnderMaster - one of the handful of super major characters in ELUDARNET! basically an amplified version of me, and also has godly powers for... currently unknown reasons. i dunno, maybe i'll give an origin story for UM one day. but i don't have to... :)
smg1.5 - not as major of a character as UM, but still pretty major! a more accurate way of how i act, and isn't as overpowered as UM, though is still a tough opponent.
DehydratedWater - literally just me as a straight-up god. is a very rare character, and basically changes the course of the timeline, typically for my own convenience. if that sounds like cheating,
it is don't worry, i do keep the same theme in mind, just in a different structure. well, that's all DehydratedWater as a character has done so far, but... oh well.
* sans. - do i... do i even need to explain anything?
Chara - i don't think Chara needs any introduction, lmao. there's actually two different versions of Chara, at least in my eyes, ELU!Chara, who is essentially Fanon Chara, and then ELUAlt!Chara, who is still (potentially) part of the ELUDARNET multiverse, but their personality is more akin to, say, Mathematica's Chara.
"pogtatodev" (not to be confused with
@weezertatodev's pog) - after 2 minutes of thinking, i thought "screw it, let's make this a permanent gag", and now occasionally my comments will either include or only be pretending to be
@weezertatodev, which will be represented with a light purple colour. they
might also be in RPs, but they'd just be a version of pogtatodev (also pog) from another timeline or some shtick, i dunno. probably not canon to ELUDARNET however, though that's kind of up to Gnatt because idrk what to think of it.
Jay - Jay the Sandwich Stealer! if you've been on the site for more than 2 hours, you probably already know who Jay is. Jay is a know-it-all who loves to steal sandwiches, and has two forms: his hit Rayman-formâ„¢, and then his normal form, which is a humanoid (i think??) jaybird. basically everyone except for, like, 2 or 3 people hate him and slash him all the time.
Spamton - that's right, the big shot you all know and love! either ELUDARNET or Deltarune Spamton, just whatever i feel like.
Airy (HFJONE) - yes, that's right. airy from the object show HFJONE. i've realised how fun it is to roleplay as him, so here he is! and since we have him, we might as well throw in;
Liam (aka Backpack) (HFJONE) - if you haven't already, you should definitely watch HFJONE from start to finish.
Bryce (aka Soda Bottle) (HFJONE) - no seriously watch it i beg you
Narrator 1 - * (Speaks like this.) is the main narrator from my RP messages. despite what it may seem, this narrator does have a personality, and tends to be sarcastic, and has anger issues.
Narrator 2 - ^ [Usually speaks like this.] a rather uncommon character that appears, either as a gag, or to talk directly to Narrator 1. is typically more calm than N1, but they CAN get angry. also, they tend to be, or at least try to be funny.
Ultimate Narrator - > {Symbols are inconsistent, but I'd think this is how they'd speak.} this narrator has no connection to the previous two and cannot communicate to either of them, and this narrator is the true narrator, of whom appears very rarely. they usually describe what N1 does to N2 or the other way around, or they take over because the other narrators are too busy doing something like arguing. however, this narrator does tend to break the fourth wall as well, just like N1 and N2.
look, i know. i could just copy-paste all of the descriptions of everyone i shouted out from my bio, but i ain't gonna do that.
instead, i'm going to list all of my current friends (in no particular order, future additions will be ordered chronologically tho)
"okay then, but what about the shoutouts?" i hear you ask. well, i am actually going to list my top 10 favourite users who have a Demi's Hideout account! (NOTE: THIS IS ONLY MY OPINION, IT MAY NOT REFLECT YOURS.)
@UnderMaster! i hate this guy so that's why he's 10th jk, 10th goes to, uhh, umm,
@Kean the eldritch creature! cool guy/gal/non-binary pal! i definitely do not think this person has an alt of any sorts! i definitely did not theorise that
@MAUS, Mimic and Final Judge of sprites. was Kean's alt! do not bother looking back at old comments looking for my insane theories, because you're gonna waste your time and find nothing!
@mel!!!!!!! i, uhh, didn't really know who to put in 9th so, uhh. mel. nothing personnel, kid.
@PICKELZ! he is... definitely the person of all time.
@Andy Dreemurr, formerly
@womp womp! you may or may not be surprised for how low i've put Andy, but honestly i'm just glad he's trying his best. he has done some not very forgivable things in the past though, which is mostly why he's so low placed. of course, that doesn't mean he has no good aspects! otherwise, why would he be here? he's a nice guy, and enhances the experience of the website, kind of like a certain person in this ranking that may or may not be in 4th...
@weezertatodev! think of him as "the lovable idiot". i dunno, i tried to think of something that was not rude, i really tried, but i couldn't think of a description that was just as good for him. and pog... don't take it personally, man. also, just a fun little guy, who is way too obsessed with ULTRAKILL. and i mean WAY too obsessed.
@Dag-Nabbit! he's someone who is currently making a videogame and has cool and funny textbox stacks, and cool characters! he's just a pretty fun guy, what more is there to say?
@Mailbox_Demons! c'mon, you knew they had to be in here SOMEWHERE. such a fun person, decent at roleplaying, and had really interesting facts, way more interesting than mine's, lol. but then, suddenly, they just disappeared, without a trace. and it's been like that for... probably over 2 years now, and if not, over a year most definitely. i think every user from then missed Mailbox_Demons, and we still remember them to this day. Mailbox, if you somehow see this and plan to come back, come back with a BANG, won't ya?
@The Watcher! congratulations, you are officially better than
@Mailbox_Demons! it was extremely close, though. really good at roleplaying, creator of Demi's Chaos (more on that later), and also just a really fun guy! also, extremely good writer,
and is a cooldude99 apologist! and... uh, wants to date me? like, sure. that pretend-date's basically dead now, if you're wondering. for whatever reason there may be.
@Gnatt!! somehow has the ability to be pretty mature one second and "sand undertable" the next. probably one of my best friends, we talk to each other a lot, and if you think about it really hard, we're kinda the same person, don't ya think? also, as mentioned before, they are also producer and co-manager of ELUDARNET!
now, who IS cirawakalong? well, i kind of feel like this is cheating to some extent, because they've basically only posted a handful of times here, but you wanna know something?
cirawakalong is probably the bestest friend i have, i kid you not.
we share a handful of interests, but i think our strongest shared interest... is, well, music. music has been our passion for years now.
not only that, but i think i talk to cirawakalong the most on discord, out of ANYONE else, as of writing this bio, we have posted over EIGHTEEN THOUSAND MESSAGES to each other.
and not only do i do that, not only is cirawakalong really fun, but he also has something none of you will ever have in combination.
Squirrel Stapler a voice, gamer skills, and really good music.
Gnatt is really close to first, i can feel it, but i don't think anyone will beat cirawakalong.
it's only so unfortunate, that our timezones don't happen to match up...
@Vee Driage - he just about passes as an actual good person, but he can be annoying, especially during RPs, and is not really that funny, of which comedy is usually a common aspect in Demi's Hideout users, or, well, at least an attempt at comedy.
@SMG2.5 - definitely one of the accounts of all time. if you do actually plan to start an actual ARG, lemme know, i'd love to see your true potential!
""""ARGs"""" (or now dubbing as "unfamiliars") - how about i dox you next?
furry_assassinator/Slaide - this dude must've had a kink for making people mad or some shit, because holy shit.
jaidenxjosh - if you know, you know. if you don't know, uh,
explanation. though i must add, the person behind the account did briefly make a resurgence, only to unfortunately leave soon after. certainly a legacy to have, that's for sure.
Neocities website - yeah that's right, i have a website called UNDERMASTER DOES THINGS! it's super unfinished though, so don't expect a lot from it, and especially not for a while.
Demi's Chaos Episodes
2, 3, and
3.5 (old) - Demi's Chaos is a series of textboxes made by
@The Watcher and with the assistance of me, inspired by my mega textbox collection! i've contributed in (almost) all episodes, and they're pretty funny, you should give 'em a look! also, from here on out, i'll only be providing links for episodes i contributed to, look towards
@The Watcher's profile for more.
my favourite YouTube vid. - it's basically a compilation of Merg doing weird shit and it is a fucking JOY to watch.
@ooc submissions - this is literally just a shortcut to the account for me lmao
why i want to be a girl - yeah, pretty straight-forward. this is also over on my old bio, by the way.
and you've officially reached the end of the new bio! just like i said at the very beginning, some feedback about the new bio would be greatly appreciated! but in the meanwhile, i hope you have a great time (unless you're in the anti-shoutouts then i hope you have a minor inconvenience) today, and as fellow YouTuber YuB says, have a bye-five!
(reminder that
@Shayy has their birthday on May 27th)
(Copyright DehydratedProductions)
(not yet a real copyright)