Profile of UnderMasterAltList



I have way too many alternate accounts, so this is an account containing every alt I (UnderMaster) have made, except for 3 super secret alts, one that has been found out. Just kidding. Only 2 secret alts as of now.
Every alternate account in chronological order(order may be [and probably is] inaccurate up to UnderMasterAltList):
@TotallyNotUnderMaster - The first(well second technically) and original alt. Basically never used.
@UndarMester - An alt simply meant to be a silly joke.
@DefinitelyA_Bee - A bee account that was meant to BEE for the bee clone thread a while ago.
@SCP-2401 - One of a dozen bee clone accounts that was given away so I stole-- ahem, borrowed this one. (btw, all the bee clones have the password of 'bee' except the one i have)
@SPAMTON.G.SPAMTON.1997 - A more active alt. HE’S QUITE A [] IF I DO [Say so myself]! Username: SPAMGSPAMTON1997
@r/wooosh - Appears when I think someone doesn’t get a fucking JOKE. Username: r-wooosh
@NULL - Was originally just the Baldi’s Basics character NULL, which was kind of a stupid idea. Now just an unknown programmer.
@ralseitheprince442 - You guessed it, a Ralsei account. Not used often, but still used every once in a while.
@furry_^w^ - Don’t ask. I don’t even remember why I made this. Username: furryUM
@table - A representation of one of my, no, just my most popular character. Made the account because cooldude massacred my boy… :(
@UM!Others - One of the more significant alts, contains a list of all UnderMaster-related characters I can think of that aren’t just characters’ personalities integrated into UnderMaster. At least, so far. Username: UMOthers
@d/changemymind - I sometimes give random opinions I agree with on this account then I say to ‘CHANGE MY MIND’. Also, please, PLEASE GIVE ME IDEAS OF WHAT TO SAY 'CHANGE MY MIND' TO, PLEASE. Username: d-changemymind
@Dr.IvoRobotnik - Made just for a simple joke. But who knows, he might return… Username: DrIvoRobotnik
@Anonymous_user - A joke account pretending to be other ‘anonymous’ accounts. If only we could have spaces for usernames...
@cooldude98 - cooldude? nah, the cooler cooldude.
@UnderMasterAltList - Pretty obvious. Scroll to top for info.
@SwagMaster - An account for SwagMaster. Why? Why not?
@The-Wild-Express - A profile where all RPs that take place in The Wild Express will take place in.
@testaccount123 - A mistake profile that was made due to a now fixed bug showing an error when creating an account, leading me to think I didn't actually make the account, but voila. Here this is. If you really want to, I'll give away the password for this account.
@AnythingTheory - A parody of other theory YouTubers, which will occasionally make little episodes worth of text theorising things I'm interested in!
@smg1.5 - An unofficial alt of smg1/KiwiKid, where I’ll attempt to maintain the same writing/roleplaying style as smg1/KiwiKid. Username: smg1-5
@WitchbrewUnofficial - I decided to make WitchbrewOfficial’s alt myself. If you think about it, it makes sense. Because you know, unofficial.
@WitchBitch"Official" - I don’t even know anymore. Username: WitchBitchOfficial
@ELU!Timelines - Like UM!Others, but mostly focusing on the timelines. The timelines part of UM!Others will probably be removed sometime in the future because of this. Username: ELUTimelines
@MessagesThatNeverExisted - A gimmick account designed to show messages from the past that, as the account name suggests, never actually existed.
@MailboxDemon - An impersonation of @Mailbox_Demons as a joke reply to a FFOTD talking about how I had a dream that a @Mailbox_Demons impersonator appeared and I nearly had a heart attack. But who knows, maybe I’ll use it again in the future. Username: MailboxDemons
@ChatGPT - Pretty self-explanatory. How it works is I give it prompts to post, and reply to replies I think don’t need to be ignored, and I copy-paste their reply.
@SMG1 + .5 LOG - An extension of @Gnatt!’s @SMG1_LOG, shown as an alt of @NULL. Will extend upon what @SMG1_LOG did… presumably, that is. Username: SMG1_LOG2
@FurryCherisher15555 - Made as a “fuck you” to @FurryHater69420. Might use it for venting or something, I dunno.
@Fight - An account I made because I wanted a rare username. No one else can have the username “Fight” or “Mercy” now, because they’re both already taken. :)
@THE ULTIMATE SHOUTOUT LIST - An account which is basically a huge shoutout list to everyone I found to be cool. Username: ULTIMATE_SHOUTOUT_LIST
@NotShayy - The supposed real Shayy. Except, he’s quite literally… @NotShayy.
@SkittleGulpe - no one figured it out lmao i thought someone would. Username: SkittlesGulpe
@Do - Do you know who the best person in the world is? Look at the first word of the question fire fire Username: do_official
@smg420.69 (JOKE ACCOUNT) - A joke account made to make fun of accounts like @SMG2.5 who have been basically saying the same thing over and over. Do NOT, and I mean NOT take ANYTHING from this account seriously. NONE OF IT, I tell you. Username: smg420-69
@GothamChess - An impersonator alt based on famous chess YouTuber GothamChess, which I made because I had grown an obsession with chess.
@SwitchedAndFlipped - @Switch said they felt both insulted and relieved that they haven't been impersonated yet, and GUESS WHAT HAPPENED NEXT!
@SwitchingAndFlipping - Honestly, I don't have a clue on why I made a second one. I truthfully would not be able to tell you, because I don't know myself.

????????? - You may never know.
????? - Who could they be? It is yet to be known.
@weezertatodev - I just wanted to mess with you guys, haha. I didn't care about this as much as my first two alts, so I decided to reveal it early, just as a lil' experiment to see how you would react after all that time. But this is only the beginning... I have messed with you a lot more than you may initially think... jk lmaoooooooooooo

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